No Packages Eligible For Install Mac

  1. For example, if your Mac came with macOS Big Sur, it will not accept installation of macOS Catalina or earlier. If a macOS can't be used on your Mac, the App Store or installer will let you know. For example, it might say that it's not compatible with this device or is too old to be opened on this version of macOS.
  2. The combo updater contains all the files necessary to install macOS on all Macs, whereas the version downloaded from the App Store only has the files for your specific Mac. It may be that the combo updater works, where the Mac App Store version doesn’t. Install in Recovery Mode. This is the last resort if nothing else works.
  3. No packages were eligible for install. Posted by 8 months ago. What Mac model do you have? Are you installing from a bootable USB installer or Internet.

OSX flat packages are single installer files with .pkg file extensions.

I downloaded the 'app' from the Store on the iMac and restarted to begin the installation process. During the install I receive the following message: OS X could not be installed on your computer. No packages were eligible for install. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again.

They appear to have originated with OSX 10.5. You can’t install these fileson OSX < 10.5.

The previous packaging formats were bundles rather than single files:

A structured directory hierarchy that stores files in a way thatfacilitates their retrieval (see glossary in the software delivery legacyguide)

See OSX legacy packaging redux for details.

As far as I know there is no Apple document describing the flat packageformat.

You may find these other pages useful as background:

  • A MacTech flat package article;
  • An introduction to the flat package format;
  • A guide on unpacking flat packages manually;
  • A comprehensive stackoverflow package building answer.

About the examples on this page¶

I wrote this page in reStructuredText (reST) for Sphinx, with some customSphinx extensions. The extensions pick up the code fragments in this page andrun them on my laptop as part of the build process for the web pages. Theyalso write out the example files listed on this page. The combination meansthat, at the time I last built the website, I confirmed that the code ran onmy laptop, and gave the output you see here.

Flat packages in general¶

Flat packages are xar archives (see the xar man page).

To see the contents of a flat package, the most convenient command ispkgutil--expand, as in:

This will unpack product archive (meta-packages) and their component packages,and allows you to futz with the directory contents in an_output_dir beforereconstituting the package with:

On OSX, tar will unpack xar archives, and will automatically detect thatthe archive is in xar format with tarxfmy.pkg, if you really want to dothe unpacking without pkgutil.

Different package types¶

Flat packages can be of type:

  • product archive – a meta-package format containing one or morecomponent packages with an XML file specifying the behavior of theinstaller, including system and volume requirement checks giving informativeerror messages. See the productbuild man page for more detail.
  • component package – an installer to install one component. Generallyincluded as part of a product archive but can be used as an installer inits own right. A component package installer cannot control the behavior ofthe installer, but can abort the install or raise a post-install errorvia preinstall and postinstall scripts.

Component installer¶

A component installer goes through these stages:

  1. Runs preinstall script if present. An exit code other than zero abortsthe installation.
  2. Writes payload to one or more locations on the target volume
  3. Runs postinstall script if present. An exit code other then zero givesan error message.

We start with some component packages that only have scripts and no payload,to show how they work.

Component installer scripts¶

Contents of scripts/preinstall
Contents of scripts/postinstall

The scripts need to be executable:

Each package needs a package identifier to identify it to the database ofinstalled packages on the target system.

You can list the recorded installed packages on target / with:

Build the package with a fake identifier:

Install the package:


Check the scripts ran by looking for output:

Exit code other than zero causes the installer to give an error message:

Contents of scripts/postinstall
R cannot install package mac

Fixed if the script is not run:

There are some useful environment variables available to thepreinstall, postinstall scripts:

Contents of scripts/preinstall

Here are the new environment variables inserted by the installer:

These appear to be a superset of the environment variables listed for the oldbundle installers at install operations.

No payload, no receipt¶

These “scripts only” installers have no payload, and write no package receiptto the package database:


A flat-package component installer can install one or more bundles to givenoutput locations on the target filesystem.

There are two ways of specifying payload with target location:

  • Using a destination root, using --root flag to pkgbuild. Thisanalyzes a given directory root-path taking this directory to representthe root / directory of the target system. The installer will copy eachdirectory at root-path to the target system at the same relativefilesystem location.
  • By individual bundle component, using --component flag topkgbuild. Specify directories to copy, and give their output locationsseparately using the --install-location flag.

Destination root¶

Do the install:

This install did write a package receipt:

Explicit component(s)¶

We point to a bundle to install and (usually) specify the install location.

In this case the bundle must be a properly formed bundle of some sort.

I’ll make a debug symbols bundle by doing a tiny compilation with clang:

Build, install the package:

The installer has written the expected output files:

You can add more than one bundle to a single component installer.

Here I make another bundle with a different name:

When you add more than one component, you need to give a package identifier,because pkgbuild will not know which component to get an identifier from.

Product archive¶

Component packages give a very basic default install.

Product archives allow you to wrap one or more component installs with aninstall configuration that includes:

  • custom welcome, readme, license and conclusion screens;
  • custom system requirement and volume requirement checks with informativeerror messages using Javascript code;
  • ability to customize choices of component packages to install usingJavascript code.

An XML file named Distribution specifies these options (see distributiondefinition file).

Building product archives with productarchive

productarchive has five modes of action:

Archive for “in-app” content¶

This appears to be something to do with the App Store. Use the --contentflag for this one.

Archive from destination root¶

Build an archive from a directory where the paths of the files relative to the--root directory give the output install location on the target volume(see Destination root).

Archive from component bundle(s) or package(s)¶

Build a product archive from one or more components by passing:

  • bundle path(s) with one or more uses of the --component flag (seeExplicit component(s)) and / or;
  • package paths(s) with one or more uses of the --package flag.

Build product archive with two component bundles:

Make bundles into component packages:

Build product archives from the component packages:

Build a Distribution file from component bundle(s) / packages(s)¶

This builds a template Distribution XML file by analyzing one or morecomponents in the form of bundles or .pkg files. Use the --synthesizeflag.

Analyze two component bundles to give a Distribution file:

Analyze two component packages to give a Distribution file:

Archive from Distribution file¶

Build a product archive from a pre-existing Distribution file, using the--distribution flag. The Distribution file refers to pre-existingcomponent .pkg files. If these are not in the current directory, you cangive paths to find .pkg files with the --package-path flag.

Customizing the Distribution file¶

See: distribution definition file and installer Javascript reference.

Adding system and volume checks¶

Contents of distro_check.xml

Now make the volume check fail:

The volume check gets run on every candidate volume; each volume that passesthe check is eligible for the install.

Debugging Distribution Javascript with system.log

Getting the Javascript right can be tricky because it is running in a highlyspecific environment. system.log() can help.

Contents of distro_debug.xml

Use the -dumplog flag to the installer to see the log.

Adding custom script checks¶

You can add custom executable scripts or binaries to run via the Javascriptfunctions such as the volume check and the system check.

You first have to enable the allow-external-scripts option in theDistribution file XML:

This will cause the installer GUI to ask if you want to allow an externalscript to check if the software can be installed.

You can then call external programs via the Javascript The programs you call with either need to be on thesystem PATH that the installer uses, or provided in the installer, usually viathe --scripts flag to productbuild. Here’s an example of a commandalready on the path:

Contents of distro_system_run.xml

Check the script ran:

Here’s an example of a custom script:

Contents of distro_custom_run.xml

Make a directory to contain the test script:

Use test script to look for any interesting environment variables available tothe custom script:

Contents of archive_scripts/

The script must be executable:

Build the product archive with --scripts flag:

Check the environment variables available to the custom script. We alreadyhave /tmp/my_sudo_envs.log with the standard environment variablesavailable as root, so look for the difference:

There do not seem to be any environment variables to tell us where theinstaller .pkg file is. Here we can work out which volume the installeris installing to with the SUDO_COMMAND variable, but this will only workfor command line installs - the installer GUI does not set this variable.

No packages eligible for install macbook pro

Customizing the installer pages¶

See distribution definition file for details.

You can customize these pages:

  • Welcome (<welcome.../> element)
  • Readme (<readme.../>)
  • License (<license.../>)
  • Conclusion (<conclusion.../>)

To do this, you specify the filename containing the custom text, and theformat of the file. For example:

The file should be in the Resources/<language>.lproj directory of theinstaller .pkg, where <language> is a language like “English”,“French” or “Spanish”, or shorthand for these such as “en”, “fr”, “es”. Youcan provide a Resources directory with the --resources flag toproductbuild.

Contents of my_resources/English.lproj/welcome.html
Contents of distro_welcome.xml

We use the --resources flag to add the resources directory:

The welcome won’t show up in the command line install, so you need to run thisinstaller via the GUI to see the new text.

I used an HTML file here, and that works as expected, for me at least. Thereare many installers that use .rtf files instead of HTML, but I heard arumor that productbuild does not deal with these correctly. If you want touse rich text format files with productbuild, you might have to do somepost-processing of your installer with – pkgutil--expandmy_archive.pkgout_dir; (futz); pkgutil--flattenout_dirmy_archive.pkg.

Recently my sister asked me to reinstall the macOS High Sierra on her iMac because it stopped working correctly. I thought that it would be easy to do but I was mistaken. I successfully installed the macOS Mountain Lion (when using the NetBoot it automatically selects the version of macOS with which the iMac was shipped with). But then I was facing multiple issues trying to update macOS from Mountain Lion to High Sierra via the Mac App Store.

After downloading a copy of macOS High Sierra from the Mac App Store, I started installing the update. The Mac rebooted, and it seemed that everything was going well, but it was not. The progress bar did not move at all, or moved very slowly. I waited a few hours…

  • Mac OS operating system it’s too much popular in the world for security vise and a lot of cool features, Apple Upgrade the operating system Sierra to High Sierra 10.13.6 to add many more attractive helpful features to more improve the work and all bugs fixed now in this version, how to install and Download Mac OS Sierra DMG file direct link.
  • Eventually, however, the installation failed with a different message: No packages were eligible for install. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. Quit the installed to restart your computer and try again.
  • If your Mac isn't compatible with the latest macOS, you may still be able to upgrade to an earlier macOS, such as macOS Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra or El Capitan. To get the latest features and maintain the security, stability, compatibility and performance of your Mac, it's important to keep your software up to date.

It was acting up so decided a re-install was the best way to go. Followed the instructions and all went well until it it restarted. Message says” OS X could not be installed on your computer”, “No packages were eligible for install. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. “Quite the installer restart your computer and try.

I began to figure out what was going on and found out the following. Attempting to download macOS High Sierra from the Mac App Store I found that a small 19 MB version of the “Install macOS High” file downloads to the “Applications” folder, rather than the complete 5.2 GB installer file. That’s the problem.

The tiny 19 MB incomplete installer requires an internet connection during usage to download the rest of the High Sierra update files. Additionally, it does not allow me to create a macOS High Sierra USB installer drive for use on multiple computers.

I’ve found a new workaround, and in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to download the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server using the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app instead of via the Mac App Store.

No Packages Eligible For Install Mac

About the app

In this workaround, we’re going to use the macOS High Sierra Patcher app from the This app is intended for those with unsupported Macs and Hackintosh users, but any Mac user can use the app to be able to download the complete macOS Mojave installer file from Apple server. For our purposes in this particular walkthrough, we will use the app only to download the complete installer file.

Note! This method relies on a third party app from an unverified third party source. If you are not comfortable with using unvetted and unverified software, do not follow this process.

Let’s begin

Downloading the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server using the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app is a really easy process. Now, step by step guide.

Go to the official website of the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app here and download the app.

Launch the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app.

Note! By default, macOS preventing apps from unidentified developers or sources from being launched. So you most likely will get an alert message that says: “macOS High Sierra can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”. To allow just one specific app to run do the following:

  1. Hold down the Control key and click the app icon. From the contextual menu choose Open.
  2. A popup will appear asking you to confirm this action. Click the Open button.

Ignore everything about patching, instead pull down the “Tools” menu and choose “Download macOS High Sierra…”.

Mac Install Package From Terminal

Confirm that you want to download the “Install macOS High” file, and then point it to a location to save on the hard drive.

Close the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app when the download is complete and locate the “Install macOS High” file you downloaded.


That’s it, you’re done. Canon dslr app for mac. Now you have the complete “Install macOS High” file downloaded. So simple isn’t it?

No Packages Eligible For Install Macbook Air

You can confirm that you have the complete “Install macOS High” file by getting info on the file. For this simply select the file and click the Spacebar key (or right-click on the file and choose “Get Info”). The complete installer should be around 5.2 GB rather than the tiny 19 MB incomplete installer that requires additional downloads.

Note! Remember, the “Install macOS High” file deletes itself automatically after macOS High Sierra has successfully installed. Therefore, you may want to make a backup by having previously copied it to external storage.

Let me know in the comments section if you know another way to download the complete “Install macOS High” file rather than the tiny incomplete installer.

I hope this article has helped you learn how to downloaded the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server. If this article has helped you then please leave a comment

Mac No Packages Eligible For Install

Mac High Sierra No Packages Were Eligible For Install

Thanks for reading!

Mac High Sierra No Packages Were Eligible For Installation

Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at

Mac High Sierra No Packages Were Eligible For Installment

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