Mactex El Capitan

** The Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) **

I upgraded to El Capitan in my new Macbook Air. El Capitan does not allow to use /usr/texbin/ for storage so LaTeX community had to move their files to /Library/TeX. MacTeX 2015 is not fully compatible with El Capitan. There is at least some path reconfigurations which has to be done in individual programs described in the guide. However, I have not succeeded in getting MacTeX fully working in El Capitan. Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) made some changes to where the MacTeX bundle is allowed to write files. This can cause issues. See below for some troubleshooting tips,. MacTeX Q&A: getting or installing MacTeX: QM.01: Trouble completing the installation process. QM.02: No need to uninstall previous TeX distribution QM.03: When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claiming that it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX) QM.04: Fink and MacPort Questions QM.05: Where to put personal additions in the. The current distribution is MacTeX-2021 This distribution requires Mac OS 10.14, Mojave, or higher and runs natively on Intel and Arm processors. To download, click MacTeX Download. You can also install TeX Live 2021 using the TeX Live Unix Install Script. This method supports MacOS 10.6, Snow Leopard, and higher and runs on Intel and Arm processors. Le Talon(ルタロン)のその他シューズ「レザーポインテッドフラット」(2030)をセール価格で購入できます。.

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[ click on the Q# to jump to the question & answer ]

MacTeX Q&A : getting or installing MacTeX
QM.01:Trouble completing the installation process.
QM.02:No need to uninstall previous TeX distribution
QM.03:When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claimingthat it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX)
QM.04:Fink and MacPort Questions
QM.05:Where to put personal additions in the texmf tree
QM.06:Why can't the latest MacTeX find my local BibTeX (.bst, .bib) files
QM.07:Fonts in my TeX documents are wrong --- the Font Cache Bug.
QM.08:Does MacTeX-2021 work on Big Sur?
QM.09:Where can I obtain and download older versions of MacTeX?
TeXShop Questions
QT.01:Typesetting in TeXShop gives an error message related to (/usr/texbin)
QT.02:TeXShop refuses to start, or behaves strangely
QT.03:Damaged Macros Folder

QM.01:I am having trouble completing the installation process. How can I get MacTeX installed?


One common problem is that users obtain a corrupted MacTeX.pkg after downloading the large file. There is an easy way tocheck that your download was successful. Run Apple's Terminal application in /Applications/Utilities. After the prompt, type the command
and a space, and then drag and drop the file MacTeX.pkg to theTerminal window to complete the command. Push Return.The Mac will compute an 'md5 checksum'. This sum should bethe sum shown at the top of the downloading page here.

Some users downloading with Google Chrome and possibly other browsersreport defective downloads. We recommend downloadingwith Safari. Users with problems also report success after downloading via the torrent network.

Defective downloads are essentially never due to a bad file on theserver because we test after uploading new versions. But users withdownload problems sometimes succeed after trying an alternateCTAN site. To do this, check on one of the links in the mirror page.

If you are at an institution with a large body of TeX users, a support person could put MacTeX-2021 on the DVD and loan you the DVD.

A final solution, if all else fails, is to go to download BasicTeX; this distribution is quite complete and serviceable and the smaller download may cause fewer problems. You will also need a front end like TeXShop or those included in MacTeXtras.

QM.02:Do I need to uninstall my previous TeX distribution before installing MacTeX?

AM.02: No. The TeX Live in MacTeX installs in a new location, /usr/local/texlive/2021, and does not overwrite the old distribution. Consult the documentation for your older distribution to uninstall it, if you want to save space.

QM.03:When trying to typeset, my front end puts up a dialog claimingthat it cannot find tex (or pdfLaTeX, or XeTeX)

Texshop El Capitan

AM.03: Some users have installed software which incorrectly set thepermissions on /usr/local. To see if you have this problem, open Terminalin /Applications/Utilities. Type
ls -l /usr
and push RETURN (note that '-l' is a small el, not a number). Terminalwill print a list of folders. Look at the entry named 'local'. The permissionsat the start of this line should be
If instead they are 'drwx------' then carefully type the followingline in Terminal:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local
You will be asked to supply your Login password.

QM.04: Fink (or MacPorts) is installed on my computer. After installing MacTeX,
(a) pdfTeX and TeX crash with error messages referring to broken libraries in /sw/...or/opt/...
(b) the versions of pdftex and tex in Fink or MacPorts run instead of the versions in TeX Live.
(c) pdftex runs erratically.

AM.04abc:MacTeX installs a symbolic link to the TeX Live binaries named /Library/TeX/texbin. Calling /Library/TeX/texbin/pdftex will reach the pdftex in TeX Live. Once this version runs, it will not be confused by the presence of Fink or MacPorts and will use the correct libraries, style files, fonts, and utilities in TeX Live.

The GUI programs shipped with MacTeX understand this symbolic link and automatically call /Library/TeX/texbin//pdftex. But if you call pdftex from the Terminal or another application, you may encounter the problem. The solution is simple. Find your shell startup script. That script should contain a command modifying PATH so /sw (or /opt) comes first. After this command, add a line to the script prepending /Library/TeX/texbin to the beginning of your PATH.

QM.05:Where do I put my personal additions to the texmf tree?

AM.05: They go in
and various subdirectories structured according to the standard TeX conventions. Here ~/Library is the Library folder in your home directory. You may have to create the texmf folder, and any subfolders of it mentioned below. For instance, TeX will find any file in
or a subfolder of this folder, and LaTeX will find any file in
~/Library/texmf/tex/latexMactex El Capitan
or a subfolder of this folder. It is not necessary to run texhash when adding files to this local tree.

On Lion and above, the ~/Library folder is hidden. To open it, use the Finder's Go menu and hold down the Option key to revealan extra item in the menu.

QM.06:Why can't the latest MacTeX find my local BibTeX files? Earlier versions of MacTeX worked correctly.

AM.06: TeX Live is slightly pickier about placement of these files. '.bib' files go in
or subfolders of this directory, and '.bst' files go in
or subfolders of this directory.

QM.07:I installed MacTeX and now all of the fonts in my TeX documents are wrong. I checked this in Preview, TeXShop, LaTeXiT, TeXniscope, and other programs. They all display bad fonts, so I must have messed up the installation. Maybe it is because I used custom install and installed the Latin Modern and TeX Gyre fonts.

AM.07: The problem (known as the 'font cache bug' in Mac OS X) was fixed in MacTeX-2009 and all later distributions are fine.

QM.08:Does MacTeX-2021 work on Big Sur?


Yes, it has been extensively tested and used on Big Sur on both Intel and Arm machines. MacTeX-2021 contains native code for both processors. This question will come up again when Apple releases their next version ofmacOS, probably in fall of 2021. But the developers of MacTeX-2021 will have downloaded the beta of that system on the first day of WWDC,the developer conference, and worked on it extensively during the summer. If problems exist after the system release, they will be prominently mentioned on theseweb pages.

QM.09:Where can I obtain and download older versions of MacTeX?


To Obtain Older Versions of MacTeX If You Are Running Mac OS 10.3 through 10.11, click here

TeXShop Questions

QT.01:Typesetting in TeXShop gives an error message:
'Can't find required tool. /usr/local/texlive/bin/x86_64-darwin does not exist. Perhaps TeX Live was not installed or was removed ...'

AT.01: This error means that TeXShop could not find a TeX distribution. Usually users who see it downloaded TeXShop, but forgot to download TeX itself. The solution is to install TeXLive-2021. If you installed with MacTeX, you will not see this error.

QT.02:TeXShop refuses to start, or behaves strangely.Or, for example, you get the message:

AT.02: There may be a damaged TeXShop preferences file. Quit TeXShop, and reboot your machine. Then before starting TeXShop again, move the file

Mactex El Capitan

to your desktop. Then start TeXShop. If this fixes the problem, reset your preferences as desired. If not, put the old plist file back to restore your old preferences.

Make sure you are using the latest version of TeXShop

QT.03:TeXShop complains of a damaged Macros file when it starts.

AT.03: There may be a damaged Macros folder in TeXShop's configuration files. Quit TeXShop, move the Macros folder
to the desktop, and restart TeXShop. It will create a new Macros folder with a working Macros file.

For more information about other frequently asked questions please

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  • search the Archives of the Mac OS X TeX mailing list

Mactex El Capitan 10

If you still have problems with the MacTeX Installer, you may contact us via themactex-support webpage.

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